In the Classroom | Graco 395 Sprayer
The Air-assisted Graco 395 Sprayer.
The saying goes, “March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb”. Despite the weather, H.D.F. Painting has been cruising along with interior projects and planning for the exterior painting season. Most importantly we have been training with paint experts. Constant painting training is a key component of our business.
For the past 15 years, we have formed a great friendship and alliance with two very special painters from Vermont. Good friends, Scott Burt and Todd Pudvar, owners of Topcoat Finishes and Prep to Finish Training are the real deal!

Todd Pudvar going over the Graco 395 Sprayer. Our sprayer of choice.
Mastering the Art of Spraying with the Graco 395 Sprayer
We recently spent a day of training at their location in Jericho, VT. In this training session, we discussed all the finer aspects of spraying with the Air-assisted Graco 395 Sprayer. To understand how to properly use a tool, you must understand how it’s built. With that in mind, we spent some time rebuilding the Graco Sprayer from scratch to understand the nuts and bolts (pun intended) of not only how to spray but how the machine operates. It was a great learning experience for our staff at H.D.F. Painting.
Since that training day in February, we have used the Graco Sprayer machine to spray cabinet doors and furniture in our shop. We plan to acquire a larger shop space for late October, where we can provide more spray services. We appreciate all of our client’s business and support. Without you, our passion for fine finishes could not be realized. We also hope you enjoy these little blogs.