The Fine Painting of Love
My wife, Teri, and I are celebrating our 30th wedding anniversary this year. In lieu of a one day or weekend celebration on the actual date in May, we decided to celebrate each month with a different event. Teri selects the event one month, and I the next. Since the months of January and February are reserved for hibernation at the Frost household, we began our adventures in March with a trip to the Mirbeau Spa at Pinehills in Plymouth.
For April, we went to the JFK Library “I can’t believe I’ve never been”, with a late lunch and early dinner at the North End. Our trips for the rest of the year include a weekend in Salem at the Hawthorne Inn and Peabody Essex Museum visit, Bar Harbor, Woodstock Inn Vermont, Point Pleasant, Bristol, Rhode Island, and other New England sites. Why am I sharing this with you and what does it have to do with our painting business, H.D.F. Painting?
We work extremely hard, on our business. I don’t work in the painting labor part of our business as much anymore. Although I do long for the days of stripping wallpaper or cutting in 6/6 window sash. It is not because I’m turning 62 in December, I feel 40 and my kids say I act awkwardly 20. It is because to provide the best service, the best quality of painting, the best value for our clients you must have an experienced, highly trained, highly motivated staff of 3 crews of 3 professional painters and have an owner who oversees the whole operation in the most efficient and effective way.
We take pride in an organization that depends on accountability and communication. My job is 24/7. To be at my best I have to spend time away from the business to re-charge the battery and attend to why I work so hard; to take care of myself, to spend time with Teri, to spend time with my “young adults” Rachel, Harrison, and Henry, I might add a round of golf or a day-trip fly fishing is a healthy pleasure as well).
That is why I’m sharing these stories with you and I will continue to share them throughout the year. I hope that you enjoy them and I hope you enjoy working with us at HDF Painting, as much as I enjoy and value you as our client.